Saturday, March 25, 2017

Crafting: affordable bat signal decor

Since its March, stores are stocking all kinds of Easter basket items, and boy did i come across a little gem! lol. One of my walls is (supposed to be) decorated with Batman memorabilia so Ive been on the hunt to find interesting things to use on the wall. While strolling through B & M this caught my eye:
2.99 from B & M
Isnt it just the cutest 😍 its so tiny... I HAD TO HAVE IT haha. So now was the part on how i was going to display this little thing. i couldve just put it on a shelf... nah too easy.. not for this weirdo!😂 I had the brilliant idea of attaching it to the ceiling to shine on a section of the wall. I rummaged through my craft junk and found a command strip, leftover cardboard, and the hot glue gun. LETS DO THIS. The bottom of the bat signal wasnt flat so thats why i needed cardboard, to give it a flat surface to attach the command strip to. Now what i didnt expect was that 1 strip would not be enough. For something so small I actually needed 3 of them. Thats gravity for ya folks!

After managing to get it to stick. i waited patiently for the sun to go down to test out the new addition. ohhh how much i love it. look at it highlighting that riddler cane 💓 Is it practical? I love it?..YES! I need a bigger one i think! haha but this one will definitely do the trick for now xx

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Crafting: Wall Mounted Nuka Cola Bottle Opener

Im starting to FINALLY revamp my kitchen in Fallout theme and super happy this craft turned out so well! Was inspired to make this when strolling through The Range and came across wall mounted bottle openers. (for only 2.99!)

So if your interested in how this came to be check out more below :D

I started out by removing all the screws and sanding the wood as the lettering on it was raised a bit (needed to in order to have a flat surface to repaint). Next I used primer spray and let it fully dry. *Always a good idea when painting, especially porous materials like wood*
 Then moved on to repainting the wood a nice red color. while it dried i printed out my Nuka cola girl. Put 2 layers of mod podge over the image, let that dry then used a xacto knife to carefully cut out the parts i wanted. Once that was dry i glued the cut outs onto the wood and put a full layer of mod podge over that. After an hour letting it dry( word of the day isnt it?! lol) i screwed back on the opener and cap catcher (with a minor scratch accident in the progress lol). After that it was time to hang it up!
*I already had most of the materials I used on hand so instead of screwing it to the wall I used some left over command strips. Also would have preferred using a spray sealant as the mod podge seeped into the grooves!*
This was a very easy/affordable craft to achieve. If this inspired you to make one tag me! id love to see. I cant wait to make FO bottle caps to display with mine <3

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Mass Effect Andromeda: Merch and game deals

Anyone excited for the newest addition to the Mass Effect series??....Anyone still procrastinating pre-ordering a copy?...haha Well im right there with ya but it cant be helped! I am not fond of gaming through Origin ("booo") and if your a PC gamer this is our only option folks. Andromeda will most likely not be coming over to steam, i mean f.f.s. Mass Effect 3 is STILL unavailable! Which is why, being the achievement obsessed player that I am, bought a PS3 strictly for the trilogy as well as other games i couldn't acquire through steam. As much as I NEED this game I couldnt break down and buy a PS4 for it so i went on a mega hunt to see where I could get the best deal on a copy to play through Origin (some more "boooo"-ing!lol)

Dont worry, if your a console gamer I also found some pretty sweet deals for you too! Below is a chart I put together of where to get it, how much, what comes with it. etc. if you see a (N/A?) anywhere thats because the website wasn't clear in there description. While on the hunt I also went through what websites were selling Andromeda merch for pre-order, Mass Effect trilogy merch and links to them.

(NOTE: EVERYTHING is listed as UK pricing and UK shops)

Now on to Merch! first up is an overview on price comparison from high to low, then a preview of what each shop sells:

Forbidden Planet

And there you have it! I hope this was insightful and helpful for your future purchasing decisions. I have a MIGHTY need for so many things! How about you? :)