Saturday, March 4, 2017

Mass Effect Andromeda: Merch and game deals

Anyone excited for the newest addition to the Mass Effect series??....Anyone still procrastinating pre-ordering a copy?...haha Well im right there with ya but it cant be helped! I am not fond of gaming through Origin ("booo") and if your a PC gamer this is our only option folks. Andromeda will most likely not be coming over to steam, i mean f.f.s. Mass Effect 3 is STILL unavailable! Which is why, being the achievement obsessed player that I am, bought a PS3 strictly for the trilogy as well as other games i couldn't acquire through steam. As much as I NEED this game I couldnt break down and buy a PS4 for it so i went on a mega hunt to see where I could get the best deal on a copy to play through Origin (some more "boooo"-ing!lol)

Dont worry, if your a console gamer I also found some pretty sweet deals for you too! Below is a chart I put together of where to get it, how much, what comes with it. etc. if you see a (N/A?) anywhere thats because the website wasn't clear in there description. While on the hunt I also went through what websites were selling Andromeda merch for pre-order, Mass Effect trilogy merch and links to them.

(NOTE: EVERYTHING is listed as UK pricing and UK shops)

Now on to Merch! first up is an overview on price comparison from high to low, then a preview of what each shop sells:

Forbidden Planet

And there you have it! I hope this was insightful and helpful for your future purchasing decisions. I have a MIGHTY need for so many things! How about you? :)

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